Mise à jour #4
il y a 2 ans

Big thanks to every single one of you who has helped with your donation. It has made my trip across the Atlantic worthwhile. You have contributed to help people you probably don't know, and that's something amazing. You are all Heroes.

Anciennes mises à jour
Pourquoi est-ce que je m’engage pour: Aide directe
Update: I did it! In March 2021, I'll be part of a team of six people who will leave Faro/Portimao in Portugal and head for Cayenne in French Guyana in South America, a 6,000km journey across the Atlantic Ocean with no support vessel or any other assistance from the outside word.
The journey can take upwards of 60 days, but we hope to break the current world record for this stretch – 48 days and a few hours.


Aide directe

La Ligue contre le cancer utilise chaque franc récolté pour alimenter le fonds d’entraide destiné à soutenir les personnes concernées.

Lire la suite

Dons reçus 53

CHF 200
Vanessa Mühlemann
«well done, Steve!»
il y a 2 ans
CHF 50
Nathalie Musardo Sigrist
il y a 3 ans
CHF 50
Bas Kemperman
il y a 3 ans
CHF 100
Hans Peter Dr. med. dent. Hächler
«Herzliche Gratulation für diese unglaubliche Leistung. Hans Peter Hächler, Lenzburg»
il y a 3 ans
CHF 20
Thierry Müller
il y a 3 ans
CHF 50
Lionel Vissers
il y a 3 ans
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