Mise à jour #2
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EBD Group has just donated the first EUR 2,657 - more to come!

Part of our commitment to run socially responsible events includes our Purposeful Partnership initiative. In 2023, BIO-Europe Spring will be supporting Krebsliga beider Basel, by donating €1 per attending delegate, to help with their vision to fight cancer and support those affected by it. Please join us by making your own donation and support this important cause here.

Anciennes mises à jour
Pourquoi est-ce que je m’engage pour: Conseil sur place
The Basel Cancer League is a local, charitable, private non-profit organization, founded in 1957. It attends to all aspects of cancer, with the aim of ensuring that fewer people develop cancer and more people can be treated successfully. The organization also supports cancer research, increases public awareness of prevention measures and is committed to early diagnosis and treatment.

One of its first concerns is to ensure high-quality advice and psychosocial support for patients and their loved ones in the cantons Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft. They do help anyone affected by cancer. You are able to talk and get support from a range of professionals at the Haus der Krebsliga beider Basel. It is staffed by Cancer Support Specialists providing support in whichever way best suits you. We do offer free practical, emotional and social support to people with cancer and their families and friends.


Conseil sur place

Les ligues cantonales et régionales contre le cancer apportent leur soutien aux personnes atteintes et à leurs proches, de manière simple et rapide et à proximité du domicile. Le service de conseil est gratuit et confidentiel. Après la registration de ta collecte de fonds, nous te contacterons pour savoir pour quelle ligue tu souhaites collecter des fonds.

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Dons reçus 1

CHF 2'500
Katharina Schropp for EBD Group
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